A woman on the subway was threatened by Asian Hate

Chinese Date:2023-11-06 Read:18311

An Asian-hate crime occurred on Saturday on the Q train heading south from 14th Street in Union Square, Manhattan, when a 59-year-old woman was approached by a man who made hateful comments and threatened to physically attack her. The New York City Police Department released the image of the suspect on the 24th, calling on the public to provide clues to help the police solve the case.

Police said that around 12:15 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 19, a 59-year-old woman boarded a southbound Q train at the 14th Street subway station in Union Square. While the train was moving, an unidentified man approached her and began making hateful comments and threatening to physically attack her. The female victim managed to escape the train without any physical injury, while the suspect man remained on the train.

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