Chinese woman in Seattle was attacked by a bat on the street

Chinese Date:2022-02-14 Read:34028

A man suspected of brutally attacking a Chinese woman working in Amazon with a bat in Belltown , Seattle , has been arrested by authorities on assault charges.

The Seattle Times reported that the incident took place at around 6:30 pm on January 31 at 200 Cedar Street in Seattle. The attack on the Chinese woman surnamed Wang was captured by surveillance cameras nearby.

Authorities said the woman, surnamed Wang, was hit in the head from behind with a baseball bat by Wantez Jamel Tulloss, 31, on her way home from get off work. It can be seen in the video that Tulos put down the two bags of items in his right hand before attacking the woman surnamed Wang, and then hit the woman surnamed Wang on the head with a bat with both hands.

After receiving a report from the public, the police rushed to the scene and found a woman surnamed Wang lying on the sidewalk, bleeding from her right ear. Police said the victim had a fractured skull and required major surgery.

The New York Post reported that Tulos wandered around after committing the crime, even eating a slice of pizza before returning to his apartment. His residence was about 500 feet away from the scene of the incident in a temporary housing facility.

Tulos has been charged with first-degree assault by authorities. It is unclear when he was arrested, but he was still in custody at the King County Correctional Facility as of Thursday, with bail set at $150,000. If convicted, Tulos could face up to 12 years in prison and 36 months in the community.

"The randomness and viciousness of this incident is very disturbing, which is why we are so eager to file a lawsuit," said Casey McNerthney, a spokeswoman for the King County District Attorney's Office. We will do our best to hold the suspect accountable.”

It is understood that since 2012, Washington state has issued 11 arrest warrants against Tulos, including nine misdemeanors and two felonies.

The woman surnamed Wang told police she was an Amazon employee and had relatives in China.

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