California man arrested for racial discrimination

Filipino Date:2023-02-10 Read:37248

On Christmas morning, a video camera at a restaurant near San Francisco, California, recorded a racist rant by a man.

Abigail Halili and her siblings never expected to experience something like this here, during the holiday season, according to English-language media reports.

"We saw a man pull up and yell at us through the window: 'Get out, you have to get out of that store! '" Khalili recalled that the taunts quickly turned into racial slurs and the men made indecent gestures.

"He kept yelling: 'You Filipino idiots. You could be selling cocaine. '" Khalili said.

After receiving a large number of clues to the police on Monday (26) has arrested the man from Denver, Colorado. The arrested man has not been formally charged.

The Khalili family was not the only Asian in the East Bay to be the victim of the man's racist attacks, according to social media posts. He is also suspected of making racist and homophobic comments at an In-N-Out burger restaurant.

"You're filming yourself eating? You're weird gays." "The man said in a video circulating on social media.

Arine Kim and her friend Elliot Ha were filming a video for TikTok when the man approached them and began hurling vulgar insults, which they tried to laugh off.

In an interview later, Elliot Ho said, "I didn't take it seriously at the time, but then I started to realize, wow, this is serious."

The man in the video asks Elliot Ho if he is Japanese or Korean, and when told that he is Korean, he says, "Are you Kim Jong UN's boyfriend? If you were Filipino, I would spit in your face." The man then used profanity.

Both groups of victims are aware of the power of a brave voice. "A lot of Asians will just let it go and laugh it off," says Elliot Ho. But I want more people to be aware of it, to be aware of how bad these attacks are, and to know that hate crimes against Asians are real."

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